Once upon a time there were two crazy adults. Their names were Luis and Nancy. They were crazy because they were going to have a baby that does not have a brain. The baby is named Oriana. My dad counted the seconds, minutes and hours. Then the time has come. My dad jumped in the car window and also my mom, but my mom got stuck. My dad drove with my mom half body sticking out of the window. My dad went driving, knock over millions of cars. When they finally arrived, my dad pushed my mom out with his pinky. They got inside, painted a rainbow on the floor. Now they went to the emergency room. Then I came out; my mom and dad were going cuckoo. I was wearing no clothes, it was nasty and we lived happily ever after. The end.
Nota: le corregí algunos errores ortográficos y de redacción, aunque aun quedaron algunos. Para ver el original, hagan click sobre este archivo:
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